OAA | No Prefix Assigned |
OAB | BCBS of Massachusetts |
OAC | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OAD | BCBS of Western New York |
OAE | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OAF | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OAG | Anthem BCBS of Colorado |
OAH | Empire BCBS of New York |
OAI | Blue Shield of California |
OAJ | No Prefix Assigned |
OAK | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OAL | Blue Shield of California |
OAM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OAN | Carefirst BCBS |
OAO | No Prefix Assigned |
OAP | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky |
OAQ | Carefirst BCBS |
OAR | Carefirst BCBS |
OAS | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
OAT | BCBS of Nebraska |
OAU | BCBS of Michigan |
OAV | No Prefix Assigned |
OAW | No Prefix Assigned |
OAX | No Prefix Assigned |
OAY | No Prefix Assigned |
OAZ | BCBS of Massachusetts |
OBA | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OBB | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OBC | BCBS of Massachusetts |
OBD | Florida-Blue |
OBE | BCBS of Michigan |
OBF | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OBG | No Prefix Assigned |
OBH | No Prefix Assigned |
OBI | BCBS of Minnesota |
OBJ | Premera BCBS of Alaska |
OBK | No Prefix Assigned |
OBL | Carefirst BCBS |
OBM | Carefirst BCBS |
OBN | BCBS of Massachusetts |
OBO | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OBP | Blue Shield of California |
OBQ | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OBR | Wellmark BCBS |
OBS | No Prefix Assigned |
OBT | BCBS of Arizona |
OBU | BCBS of Alabama |
OBV | Anthem BCBS of Georgia |
OBW | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OBX | Anthem BCBS of Georgia |
OBY | No Prefix Assigned |
OBZ | No Prefix Assigned |
OCA | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OCB | No Prefix Assigned |
OCC | No Prefix Assigned |
OCD | Blue Shield of California |
OCE | No Prefix Assigned |
OCF | BCBS of Louisiana |
OCG | Wellmark BCBS |
OCH | BCBS of Western New York |
OCI | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OCJ | No Prefix Assigned |
OCK | Florida-Blue |
OCL | No Prefix Assigned |
OCM | Wellmark BCBS |
OCN | Regence BCBS |
OCO | Blue Shield of California |
OCP | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OCQ | No Prefix Assigned |
OCR | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OCS | No Prefix Assigned |
OCT | Blue-Cross of Idaho |
OCU | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OCV | Carefirst BCBS |
OCW | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OCX | Carefirst BCBS |
OCY | Carefirst BCBS |
OCZ | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
ODA | Carefirst BCBS |
ODB | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
ODC | No Prefix Assigned |
ODD | No Prefix Assigned |
ODE | No Prefix Assigned |
ODF | BCBS of Massachusetts |
ODG | No Prefix Assigned |
ODH | No Prefix Assigned |
ODI | BCBS of Western New York |
ODJ | BCBS of Tennessee |
ODK | Carefirst BCBS |
ODL | BCBS of Tennessee |
ODM | BCBS of Arizona |
ODN | BCBS of Tennessee |
ODO | Carefirst BCBS |
ODP | No Prefix Assigned |
ODQ | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
ODR | Carefirst BCBS |
ODS | BCBS of Western New York |
ODT | BCBS of Massachusetts |
ODU | No Prefix Assigned |
ODV | Wellmark BCBS |
ODW | BCBS of Michigan |
ODX | BCBS of Alabama |
ODY | BCBS of Michigan |
ODZ | BCBS of Michigan |
OEA | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OEB | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OEC | No Prefix Assigned |
OED | No Prefix Assigned |
OEE | Florida-Blue |
OEF | Carefirst BCBS |
OEG | BCBS of Kansas City |
OEH | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OEI | BCBS of Nebraska |
OEJ | Blue Shield of California |
OEK | BCBS of Michigan |
OEL | Carefirst BCBS |
OEM | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OEN | No Prefix Assigned |
OEO | No Prefix Assigned |
OEP | No Prefix Assigned |
OEQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OER | Regence BCBS |
OES | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OET | Carefirst BCBS |
OEU | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OEV | Highmark Blue Shield of Pennsylvania |
OEW | BCBS of North Dakota |
OEX | No Prefix Assigned |
OEY | BCBS of Michigan |
OEZ | BCBS of South Carolina |
OFA | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
OFB | Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania |
OFC | BCBS of Michigan |
OFD | No Prefix Assigned |
OFE | No Prefix Assigned |
OFF | BCBS of Western New York |
OFG | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OFH | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OFI | No Prefix Assigned |
OFJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OFK | No Prefix Assigned |
OFL | Carefirst BCBS |
OFM | Carefirst BCBS |
OFN | BCBS of Tennessee |
OFO | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OFP | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OFQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OFR | No Prefix Assigned |
OFS | BCBS of Western New York |
OFT | Blue Shield of California |
OFU | BCBS of Michigan |
OFV | BCBS of Michigan |
OFW | BCBS of Michigan |
OFX | Anthem BCBS of Missouri |
OFY | Blue Shield of California |
OFZ | BCBS of Michigan |
OGA | No Prefix Assigned |
OGB | No Prefix Assigned |
OGC | Wellmark BCBS |
OGD | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OGE | No Prefix Assigned |
OGF | BCBS of Michigan |
OGG | No Prefix Assigned |
OGH | Anthem BCBS of Georgia |
OGI | No Prefix Assigned |
OGJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OGK | BCBS of Michigan |
OGL | Wellmark BCBS |
OGM | Premera BCBS of Alaska |
OGN | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky |
OGO | BCBS of Michigan |
OGP | No Prefix Assigned |
OGQ | No Prefix Assigned |
OGR | No Prefix Assigned |
OGS | BCBS of Louisiana |
OGT | BCBS of Western New York |
OGU | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OGV | No Prefix Assigned |
OGW | BCBS of Louisiana |
OGX | Carefirst BCBS |
OGY | No Prefix Assigned |
OGZ | No Prefix Assigned |
OHA | BCBS of South Carolina |
OHB | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OHC | BCBS of Michigan |
OHD | BCBS of Texas |
OHE | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OHF | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OHG | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OHH | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
OHI | BCBS of Louisiana |
OHJ | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky |
OHK | Wellmark BCBS |
OHL | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OHM | Blue Shield of Northeastern New York |
OHN | Wellmark BCBS |
OHO | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OHP | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OHQ | No Prefix Assigned |
OHR | Anthem BCBS of Colorado |
OHS | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OHT | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OHU | Wellmark BCBS |
OHV | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OHW | No Prefix Assigned |
OHX | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OHY | BCBS of Michigan |
OHZ | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OIA | No Prefix Assigned |
OIB | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OIC | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OID | Blue-Cross of Idaho |
OIE | No Prefix Assigned |
OIF | No Prefix Assigned |
OIG | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OIH | No Prefix Assigned |
OII | BCBS of Michigan |
OIJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OIK | BCBS of Michigan |
OIL | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OIM | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OIN | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OIO | BCBS of Michigan |
OIP | Blue Shield of California |
OIQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OIR | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OIS | BCBS of Western New York |
OIT | BCBS of Michigan |
OIU | BCBS of Michigan |
OIV | BCBS of Michigan |
OIW | BCBS of Michigan |
OIX | BCBS of Michigan |
OIY | BCBS of Michigan |
OIZ | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OJA | No Prefix Assigned |
OJB | No Prefix Assigned |
OJC | No Prefix Assigned |
OJD | No Prefix Assigned |
OJE | BCBS of Michigan |
OJF | BCBS of Michigan |
OJG | No Prefix Assigned |
OJH | No Prefix Assigned |
OJI | BCBS of Michigan |
OJJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OJK | BCBS of Michigan |
OJL | BCBS of Michigan |
OJM | Anthem BCBS of Missouri |
OJN | BCBS of Michigan |
OJO | BCBS of Michigan |
OJP | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OJQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OJR | Wellmark BCBS |
OJS | No Prefix Assigned |
OJT | Carefirst BCBS |
OJU | No Prefix Assigned |
OJV | BCBS of Michigan |
OJW | Regence BCBS |
OJX | BCBS of Michigan |
OJY | BCBS of Michigan |
OJZ | No Prefix Assigned |
OKA | BCBS of Minnesota |
OKB | Carefirst BCBS |
OKC | BCBS of Oklahoma |
OKD | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OKE | Carefirst BCBS |
OKF | BCBS of Michigan |
OKG | BCBS of Michigan |
OKH | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OKI | BCBS of Michigan |
OKJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OKK | BCBS of Michigan |
OKL | Arkansas BCBS |
OKM | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OKN | BCBS of Michigan |
OKO | BCBS of Michigan |
OKP | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OKQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OKR | Anthem BCBS of Colorado |
OKS | BCBS of Western New York |
OKT | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OKU | No Prefix Assigned |
OKV | BCBS of Michigan |
OKW | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OKX | BCBS of Michigan |
OKY | BCBS of Michigan |
OKZ | BCBS of Michigan |
OLA | BCBS of Kansas City |
OLB | Wellmark BCBS |
OLC | No Prefix Assigned |
OLD | Blue Shield of California |
OLE | No Prefix Assigned |
OLF | No Prefix Assigned |
OLG | Premera BCBS of Alaska |
OLH | BCBS of Arizona |
OLI | BCBS of Michigan |
OLJ | No Prefix Assigned |
OLK | No Prefix Assigned |
OLL | No Prefix Assigned |
OLM | Arkansas BCBS |
OLN | BCBS of Alabama |
OLO | No Prefix Assigned |
OLP | No Prefix Assigned |
OLQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OLR | No Prefix Assigned |
OLS | Carefirst BCBS |
OLT | Wellmark BCBS |
OLU | Anthem BCBS of Colorado |
OLV | BCBS of Michigan |
OLW | BCBS of Western New York |
OLX | BCBS of Michigan |
OLY | BCBS of Michigan |
OLZ | BCBS of Michigan |
OMA | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OMB | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OMC | No Prefix Assigned |
OMD | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OME | Wellmark BCBS |
OMF | No Prefix Assigned |
OMG | BCBS of Michigan |
OMH | Blue Shield of California |
OMI | Anthem BCBS of Georgia |
OMJ | No Prefix Assigned |
OMK | Anthem BCBS of Missouri |
OML | Florida-Blue |
OMM | No Prefix Assigned |
OMN | No Prefix Assigned |
OMO | No Prefix Assigned |
OMP | BCBS of Michigan |
OMQ | BCBS of Massachusetts |
OMR | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OMS | BCBS of Massachusetts |
OMT | BCBS of Michigan |
OMU | No Prefix Assigned |
OMV | Carefirst BCBS |
OMW | No Prefix Assigned |
OMX | Anthem BCBS of Colorado |
OMY | No Prefix Assigned |
OMZ | Blue Shield of California |
ONA | Anthem BCBS of Missouri |
ONB | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
ONC | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
OND | Wellmark BCBS |
ONE | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
ONF | No Prefix Assigned |
ONG | BCBS of Massachusetts |
ONH | BCBS of Minnesota |
ONI | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
ONJ | No Prefix Assigned |
ONK | No Prefix Assigned |
ONL | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
ONM | No Prefix Assigned |
ONN | No Prefix Assigned |
ONO | Blue Shield of California |
ONP | Anthem BCBS of Missouri |
ONQ | BCBS of Alabama |
ONR | No Prefix Assigned |
ONS | BCBS of Alabama |
ONT | BCBS of Massachusetts |
ONU | Carefirst BCBS |
ONV | Carefirst BCBS |
ONW | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
ONX | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
ONY | BCBS of Minnesota |
ONZ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
OOA | Blue Shield of California |
OOB | Blue Shield of California |
OOC | BCBS of Massachusetts |
OOD | BCBS of Michigan |
OOE | BCBS of Michigan |
OOF | BCBS of Michigan |
OOG | Blue Shield of California |
OOH | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OOI | BCBS of Michigan |
OOJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OOK | BCBS of Michigan |
OOL | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OOM | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OON | BCBS of Michigan |
OOO | BCBS of Michigan |
OOP | Blue Shield of California |
OOQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OOR | BCBS of North Carolina |
OOS | Blue Shield of California |
OOT | Blue Shield of California |
OOU | BCBS of Michigan |
OOV | BCBS of Michigan |
OOW | BCBS of Michigan |
OOX | BCBS of Michigan |
OOY | No Prefix Assigned |
OOZ | BCBS of Michigan |
OPA | BCBS of Louisiana |
OPB | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OPC | No Prefix Assigned |
OPD | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OPE | Anthem BCBS of Georgia |
OPF | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OPG | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OPH | No Prefix Assigned |
OPI | Blue-Cross of North Carolina |
OPJ | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OPK | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OPL | No Prefix Assigned |
OPM | No Prefix Assigned |
OPN | No Prefix Assigned |
OPO | No Prefix Assigned |
OPP | Wellmark BCBS |
OPQ | No Prefix Assigned |
OPR | Wellmark BCBS |
OPS | BCBS of Massachusetts |
OPT | Carefirst BCBS |
OPU | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OPV | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OPW | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OPX | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OPY | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OPZ | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OQA | No Prefix Assigned |
OQB | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OQC | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OQD | BCBS of Michigan |
OQE | BCBS of Michigan |
OQF | BCBS of Michigan |
OQG | BCBS of Michigan |
OQH | BCBS of Michigan |
OQI | BCBS of Michigan |
OQJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OQK | BCBS of Michigan |
OQL | BCBS of Michigan |
OQM | BCBS of Michigan |
OQN | BCBS of Michigan |
OQO | BCBS of Michigan |
OQP | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OQQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OQR | BCBS of Michigan |
OQS | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OQT | BCBS of Michigan |
OQU | BCBS of Michigan |
OQV | BCBS of Michigan |
OQW | BCBS of Michigan |
OQX | No Prefix Assigned |
OQY | No Prefix Assigned |
OQZ | No Prefix Assigned |
ORA | No Prefix Assigned |
ORB | Wellmark BCBS |
ORC | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky |
ORD | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
ORE | BCBS of Tennessee |
ORF | BCBS of Michigan |
ORG | BCBS of Tennessee |
ORH | Anthem BCBS of Missouri |
ORI | BCBS of South Carolina |
ORJ | BCBS of Michigan |
ORK | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
ORL | Anthem Blue-Cross |
ORM | Blue Shield of Northeastern New York |
ORN | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey |
ORO | BCBS of Michigan |
ORP | No Prefix Assigned |
ORQ | BCBS of Michigan |
ORR | No Prefix Assigned |
ORS | Regence BCBS |
ORT | Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania |
ORU | BCBS of Tennessee |
ORV | BCBS of Michigan |
ORW | No Prefix Assigned |
ORX | Blue-Cross of Idaho |
ORY | Blue Shield of California |
ORZ | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey |
OSA | No Prefix Assigned |
OSB | BCBS of Alabama |
OSC | No Prefix Assigned |
OSD | No Prefix Assigned |
OSE | BCBS of Arizona |
OSF | No Prefix Assigned |
OSG | No Prefix Assigned |
OSH | Carefirst BCBS |
OSI | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OSJ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OSK | No Prefix Assigned |
OSL | BCBS of Nebraska |
OSM | BCBS of Illinois |
OSN | No Prefix Assigned |
OSO | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OSP | No Prefix Assigned |
OSQ | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
OSR | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OSS | Blue Shield of California |
OST | Highmark BCBS of Delaware |
OSU | No Prefix Assigned |
OSV | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OSW | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OSX | Wellmark BCBS |
OSY | BCBS of Kansas City |
OSZ | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OTA | Florida-Blue |
OTB | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OTC | BCBS of Nebraska |
OTD | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OTE | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
OTF | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
OTG | BCBS of Michigan |
OTH | BCBS of Tennessee |
OTI | BCBS of North Dakota |
OTJ | Carefirst BCBS |
OTK | Wellmark BCBS |
OTL | BCBS of Alabama |
OTM | Blue Shield of California |
OTN | BCBS of North Dakota |
OTO | No Prefix Assigned |
OTP | Blue Shield of California |
OTQ | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut |
OTR | No Prefix Assigned |
OTS | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OTT | Wellmark BCBS |
OTU | Wellmark BCBS |
OTV | No Prefix Assigned |
OTW | Anthem BCBS of Georgia |
OTX | Blue Shield of California |
OTY | Regence BCBS |
OTZ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OUA | Regence BCBS |
OUB | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OUC | BCBS of South Carolina |
OUD | BCBS of Michigan |
OUE | BCBS of Rhode Island |
OUF | Regence BCBS |
OUG | No Prefix Assigned |
OUH | Empire BCBS of New York |
OUI | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey |
OUJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OUK | BCBS of Michigan |
OUL | BCBS of Michigan |
OUM | BCBS of Michigan |
OUN | BCBS of Michigan |
OUO | BCBS of Michigan |
OUP | Wellmark BCBS |
OUQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OUR | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey |
OUS | No Prefix Assigned |
OUT | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey |
OUU | BCBS of Michigan |
OUV | BCBS of Michigan |
OUW | Highmark BCBS of West Virginia |
OUX | BCBS of Michigan |
OUY | BCBS of Michigan |
OUZ | BCBS of Michigan |
OVA | No Prefix Assigned |
OVB | No Prefix Assigned |
OVC | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OVD | BCBS of Michigan |
OVE | No Prefix Assigned |
OVF | No Prefix Assigned |
OVG | BCBS of Michigan |
OVH | Premera BCBS of Alaska |
OVI | BCBS of Michigan |
OVJ | No Prefix Assigned |
OVK | No Prefix Assigned |
OVL | BCBS of Western New York |
OVM | Wellmark BCBS |
OVN | BCBS of Michigan |
OVO | BCBS of Michigan |
OVP | Anthem BCBS of Indiana |
OVQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OVR | Carefirst BCBS |
OVS | No Prefix Assigned |
OVT | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OVU | BCBS of Michigan |
OVV | BCBS of Michigan |
OVW | Highmark BCBS of West Virginia |
OVX | BCBS of Michigan |
OVY | BCBS of Michigan |
OVZ | BCBS of Michigan |
OWA | Wellmark BCBS |
OWB | Carefirst BCBS |
OWC | Regence BCBS |
OWD | Carefirst BCBS |
OWE | Florida-Blue |
OWF | Wellmark BCBS |
OWG | BCBS of Western New York |
OWH | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut |
OWI | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OWJ | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OWK | BCBS of Michigan |
OWL | Blue Shield of California |
OWM | No Prefix Assigned |
OWN | No Prefix Assigned |
OWO | BCBS of Michigan |
OWP | No Prefix Assigned |
OWQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OWR | BCBS of Michigan |
OWS | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OWT | Anthem BCBS of Georgia |
OWU | BCBS of Michigan |
OWV | No Prefix Assigned |
OWW | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OWX | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OWY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OWZ | Wellmark BCBS |
OXA | BCBS of Western New York |
OXB | No Prefix Assigned |
OXC | No Prefix Assigned |
OXD | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OXE | BCBS of Michigan |
OXF | No Prefix Assigned |
OXG | BCBS of Michigan |
OXH | BCBS of Michigan |
OXI | BCBS of Michigan |
OXJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OXK | BCBS of Michigan |
OXL | BCBS of Michigan |
OXM | Premera BCBS of Alaska |
OXN | Regence BCBS |
OXO | BCBS of Western New York |
OXP | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OXQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OXR | BCBS of Michigan |
OXS | No Prefix Assigned |
OXT | BCBS of Michigan |
OXU | BCBS of Michigan |
OXV | BCBS of Michigan |
OXW | BCBS of Michigan |
OXX | BCBS of Michigan |
OXY | BCBS of Michigan |
OXZ | No Prefix Assigned |
OYA | Wellmark BCBS |
OYB | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OYC | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey |
OYD | Blue-Cross of Idaho |
OYE | No Prefix Assigned |
OYF | BCBS of Michigan |
OYG | BCBS of Michigan |
OYH | Anthem BCBS of Ohio |
OYI | BCBS of Michigan |
OYJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OYK | BCBS of Michigan |
OYL | Blue Shield of California |
OYM | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania |
OYN | BCBS of Michigan |
OYO | BCBS of Michigan |
OYP | No Prefix Assigned |
OYQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OYR | BCBS of Michigan |
OYS | Blue Shield of California |
OYT | BCBS of Michigan |
OYU | BCBS of Michigan |
OYV | No Prefix Assigned |
OYW | BCBS of Michigan |
OYX | BCBS of Michigan |
OYY | BCBS of Michigan |
OYZ | No Prefix Assigned |
OZA | Anthem BCBS of Missouri |
OZB | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin |
OZC | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey |
OZD | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OZE | BCBS of Michigan |
OZF | BCBS of Michigan |
OZG | Blue Shield of California |
OZH | No Prefix Assigned |
OZI | BCBS of Michigan |
OZJ | BCBS of Michigan |
OZK | Anthem BCBS of Missouri |
OZL | BCBS of Michigan |
OZM | Anthem BCBS of Virginia |
OZN | BCBS of Michigan |
OZO | No Prefix Assigned |
OZP | Anthem Blue-Cross |
OZQ | BCBS of Michigan |
OZR | BCBS of Michigan |
OZS | BCBS of Western New York |
OZT | BCBS of Michigan |
OZU | BCBS of Michigan |
OZV | BCBS of Michigan |
OZW | No Prefix Assigned |
OZX | Anthem BCBS of Missouri |
OZY | BCBS of Michigan |
OZZ | BCBS of Michigan |
O2A | Blue Cross of California |
O2E | Blue Cross of California |
O2N | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania |
O2T | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota |
O3T | Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon |
O3V | Premera Blue Cross |