BCBS Prefix PAA to PZZ

BCBS PrefixBCBS Plan
PAACapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PABBCBS of Tennessee
PACCapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PADAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PAEBCBS of Massachusetts
PAFAnthem Blue Cross
PAGBlue-Shield of California
PAHIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia /S. Pennsylvania
PAINo Prefix Assigned
PAJBCBS of Illinois
PAKCarefirst BCBS
PALAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PAMBlue-Shield of California
PANBCBS of Illinois
PAOCarefirst BCBS
PAPBCBS of Illinois
PAQAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PARNo Prefix Assigned
PASBCBS of Illinois
PATWellmark BCBS
PAUNo Prefix Assigned
PAVAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PAWBCBS of North Carolina
PAXAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PAYExcellus BCBS of New York
PAZPremera BCBS of Alaska
PBABCBS of Massachusetts
PBBFlorida Blue
PBCAnthem BCBS of Missouri
PBDAnthem BCBS of Missouri
PBEAnthem Blue Cross
PBFPremera BCBS of Alaska
PBGBlue-Shield of California
PBHBCBS of Louisiana
PBIBCBS of Western New York
PBJAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PBKNo Prefix Assigned
PBLBlue-Shield of California
PBMNo Prefix Assigned
PBNBlue-Shield of Northeastern New York
PBOBlue-Shield of California
PBPWellmark BCBS
PBQPremera Blue Cross of Alaska
PBRBCBS of Minnesota
PBSNo Prefix Assigned
PBTBCBS of Minnesota
PBUBCBS of Illinois
PBVPremera BCBS of Alaska
PBWBCBS of Texas
PBXIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PBYBCBS of Western New York
PBZEmpire BCBS of New York
PCAEmpire BCBS of New York
PCBNo Prefix Assigned
PCCNo Prefix Assigned
PCDBCBS of Texas
PCENo Prefix Assigned
PCFCarefirst BCBS
PCGBCBS of Kansas City
PCHBCBS of North Carolina
PCIBlue-Shield of California
PCJAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PCKEmpire BCBS of New York
PCLBCBS of Arizona
PCMPremera BCBS of Alaska
PCNCarefirst BCBS
PCOAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PCPAnthem BCBS of Colorado
PCQNo Prefix Assigned
PCRCarefirst BCBS
PCSWellmark BCBS
PCTAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PCUCarefirst BCBS
PCVBlue-Shield of California
PCWAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PCXWellmark BCBS
PCYAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PCZNo Prefix Assigned
PDAIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PDBBCBS of Texas
PDCAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PDDNo Prefix Assigned
PDEBlue-Shield of California
PDFAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PDGBCBS of Tennessee
PDHAnthem BCBS of Colorado
PDIWellmark BCBS
PDJWellmark BCBS
PDKAnthem Blue Cross
PDLAnthem Blue Cross
PDMNo Prefix Assigned
PDNBCBS of Minnesota
PDOBCBS of Alabama
PDPBCBS of Minnesota
PDQBlue-Shield of California
PDSCarefirst BCBS
PDTIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PDUBCBS of Illinois
PDVWellmark BCBS
PDWBCBS of Illinois
PDXBCBS of Michigan
PDYBCBS of Illinois
PDZBCBS of Alabama
PEAAnthem BCBS of Colorado
PEBCapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PECBCBS of Texas
PEDAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PEENo Prefix Assigned
PEFBCBS of Alabama
PEGBCBS of Texas
PEHBlue-Shield of Northeastern New York
PEINo Prefix Assigned
PEJBlue Cross of Idaho
PEKEmpire BCBS of New York
PELAnthem BCBS of Missouri
PEMBCBS of Minnesota
PENNo Prefix Assigned
PEONo Prefix Assigned
PEPBlue-Shield of California
PEQNo Prefix Assigned
PERWellmark BCBS
PESBCBS of Texas
PETBCBS of Rhode Island
PEUAnthem BCBS of Missouri
PEVCarefirst BCBS
PEWNo Prefix Assigned
PEXBCBS of Alabama
PEYNo Prefix Assigned
PEZNo Prefix Assigned
PFAHighmark Blue-Shield of Pennsylvania
PFBIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PFCBlue-Shield of California
PFDBlue-Shield of California
PFEAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PFFAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PFGBCBS of Kansas City
PFHAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
PFIHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PFJBCBS of Illinois
PFKBCBS of Massachusetts
PFLNo Prefix Assigned
PFNNo Prefix Assigned
PFONo Prefix Assigned
PFPPremera BCBS of Alaska
PFQBlue-Shield of California
PFRHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
PFSAnthem Blue Cross
PFTAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PFUFlorida Blue
PFVNo Prefix Assigned
PFWAnthem BCBS of Missouri
PFXCapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PFYBCBS of Illinois
PFZHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
PGABCBS of North Carolina
PGBNo Prefix Assigned
PGCBCBS of Tennessee
PGDBlue-Shield of California
PGEBCBS of Arizona
PGFNo Prefix Assigned
PGGAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
PGHNo Prefix Assigned
PGIBCBS of Illinois
PGJNo Prefix Assigned
PGKBCBS of Tennessee
PGLNo Prefix Assigned
PGMHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PGNNo Prefix Assigned
PGOAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PGPFlorida Blue
PGQArkansas BCBS
PGRBCBS of Kansas City
PGSAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PGTNo Prefix Assigned
PGUAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PGVAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PGWBCBS of Alabama
PGXBCBS of Alabama
PGYEmpire BCBS of New York
PGZBCBS of Illinois
PHANo Prefix Assigned
PHBIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PHCAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
PHDNo Prefix Assigned
PHENo Prefix Assigned
PHFBCBS of Kansas
PHGBlue-Shield of California
PHHNo Prefix Assigned
PHIBlue-Shield of California
PHJCapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PHKNo Prefix Assigned
PHLBlue-Shield of California
PHMAnthem Blue Cross
PHNBCBS of Rhode Island
PHOIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PHPAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PHQAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PHRNo Prefix Assigned
PHSAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PHTBCBS of Alabama
PHUBlue-Shield of California
PHVNo Prefix Assigned
PHWCarefirst BCBS
PHXAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PHYEmpire BCBS of New York
PHZNo Prefix Assigned
PIACarefirst BCBS
PIBBCBS of Minnesota
PICNo Prefix Assigned
PIDAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
PIENo Prefix Assigned
PIFWellmark BCBS
PIGNo Prefix Assigned
PIHIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PIIWellmark BCBS
PIJNo Prefix Assigned
PIKAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PILIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PIMAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
PINNo Prefix Assigned
PIOBCBS of Tennessee
PIPArkansas BCBS
PIQArkansas BCBS
PIRNo Prefix Assigned
PISNo Prefix Assigned
PITBCBS of Massachusetts
PIUCarefirst BCBS
PIVNo Prefix Assigned
PIWHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PIXBCBS of Alabama
PIYIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PIZBCBS of Alabama
PJABCBS of Alabama
PJCAnthem Blue Cross
PJDBCBS of Michigan
PJFWellmark BCBS
PJGNo Prefix Assigned
PJHNo Prefix Assigned
PJIBCBS of Michigan
PJJIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PJKBCBS of South Carolina
PJLBCBS of Western New York
PJMNo Prefix Assigned
PJNCarefirst BCBS
PJOBCBS of North Carolina
PJPBCBS of Illinois
PJQWellmark BCBS
PJRIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PJSBCBS of Illinois
PJTBCBS of Illinois
PJUHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PJVAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PJWAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PJXAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PJYHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
PJZFlorida Blue
PKABCBS of Illinois
PKBFlorida Explore-My-Plan
PKCNo Prefix Assigned
PKDBlue-Shield of California
PKENo Prefix Assigned
PKFBCBS of Alabama
PKGIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PKHAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PKIIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PKJAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PKKNo Prefix Assigned
PKLBCBS of Michigan
PKMBCBS of Michigan
PKNHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PKOPremera BCBS of Alaska
PKPHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
PKQAnthem Blue Cross
PKRWellmark BCBS
PKSAnthem Blue Cross
PKTBCBS of Minnesota
PKUNo Prefix Assigned
PKVBCBS of Louisiana
PKWAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PKXAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
PKYNo Prefix Assigned
PKZNo Prefix Assigned
PLANo Prefix Assigned
PLBNo Prefix Assigned
PLCBCBS of Alabama
PLDNo Prefix Assigned
PLEBCBS of Michigan
PLFNo Prefix Assigned
PLGCarefirst BCBS
PLHAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PLINo Prefix Assigned
PLJEmpire BCBS of New York
PLKNo Prefix Assigned
PLLAnthem Blue Cross
PLMBCBS of Massachusetts
PLNAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PLOBCBS of Massachusetts
PLPBCBS of Minnesota
PLQNo Prefix Assigned
PLRBCBS of Western New York
PLSWellmark BCBS
PLTEmpire BCBS of New York
PLUBCBS of Illinois
PLVAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PLWAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PLXNo Prefix Assigned
PLYNo Prefix Assigned
PLZNo Prefix Assigned
PMABCBS of Arizona
PMBBCBS of Illinois
PMCAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PMDBCBS of North Carolina
PMEBCBS of Texas
PMFNo Prefix Assigned
PMGAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PMHNo Prefix Assigned
PMICarefirst BCBS
PMJNo Prefix Assigned
PMKBCBS of Arizona
PMLNo Prefix Assigned
PMMAnthem BCBS of Indiana
PMNNo Prefix Assigned
PMOBCBS of South Carolina
PMPWellmark BCBS
PMQWellmark BCBS
PMRFlorida Blue
PMSBlue-Shield of California
PMTPremera BCBS of Alaska
PMUBCBS of Minnesota
PMVBCBS of Louisiana
PMWNo Prefix Assigned
PMXBCBS of Illinois
PMYAnthem BCBS of Missouri
PMZBCBS of South Carolina
PNACarefirst BCBS
PNBNo Prefix Assigned
PNCPremera BCBS of Alaska
PNDCarefirst BCBS
PNEBlue-Shield of California
PNFBCBS of Illinois
PNGNo Prefix Assigned
PNHCapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PNIBCBS of Michigan
PNJNo Prefix Assigned
PNKBCBS of Illinois
PNLCapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PNMHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PNNWellmark BCBS
PNOAnthem Blue Cross
PNPAnthem Blue Cross
PNQPremera BCBS of Alaska
PNRBCBS of Minnesota
PNSWellmark BCBS
PNTPremera BCBS of Alaska
PNUBCBS of Texas
PNVNo Prefix Assigned
PNWWellmark BCBS
PNXHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PNYNo Prefix Assigned
PNZWellmark BCBS
POAAnthem BCBS of Ohio
POBWellmark BCBS
POCNo Prefix Assigned
PODBlue-Shield of California
POEBlue-Shield of California
POFBlue Cross of Idaho
POGAnthem Blue Cross
POHAnthem Blue Cross
POIHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
POJNo Prefix Assigned
POKBlue-Shield of California
POLBCBS of Kansas City
POMNo Prefix Assigned
PONPremera BCBS of Alaska
POOBlue-Shield of California
POPBlue-Shield of California
POQBCBS of Massachusetts
PORWellmark BCBS
POSNo Prefix Assigned
POTBlue-Shield of California
POUIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
POVAnthem Blue Cross
POWBlue-Shield of California
POXNo Prefix Assigned
POYBlue-Shield of California
POZNo Prefix Assigned
PPABCBS of Alabama
PPBPremera BCBS of Alaska
PPCAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PPDAnthem BCBS of Kentucky
PPEHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PPFBCBS of Illinois
PPGHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PPHNo Prefix Assigned
PPIAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PPJBCBS of Minnesota
PPKBCBS of Illinois
PPMHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PPNNo Prefix Assigned
PPOBCBS of Illinois
PPPBCBS of Illinois
PPQBCBS of Illinois
PPRBCBS of Alabama
PPSPremera BCBS of Alaska
PPTAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PPUBCBS of Illinois
PPVBlue Cross of Idaho
PPWHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PPXFlorida Blue
PPYBCBS of Minnesota
PPZNo Prefix Assigned
PQAPremera BCBS of Alaska
PQBBCBS of Alabama
PQCNo Prefix Assigned
PQDAnthem Blue Cross
PQEBCBS of Massachusetts
PQFNo Prefix Assigned
PQGEmpire BCBS of New York
PQHPremera BCBS of Alaska
PQIBCBS of Tennessee
PQJBCBS of Minnesota
PQKBCBS of Kansas City
PQLNo Prefix Assigned
PQMHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PQNNo Prefix Assigned
PQOBlue Cross of Idaho
PQPPremera BCBS of Alaska
PQQAnthem BCBS of Colorado
PQRWellmark BCBS
PQSBCBS of Massachusetts
PQUBlue-Shield of California
PQVAnthem Blue Cross
PQWBCBS of Massachusetts
PQXAnthem Blue Cross
PQYNo Prefix Assigned
PQZNo Prefix Assigned
PRABCBS of Alabama
PRBBCBS of Western New York
PRCBlue-Shield of California
PRDBCBS of Alabama
PREBCBS of Nebraska
PRFEmpire BCBS of New York
PRGNo Prefix Assigned
PRHAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PRINo Prefix Assigned
PRJAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PRKNo Prefix Assigned
PRLArkansas BCBS
PRMBCBS of Tennessee
PRNNo Prefix Assigned
PROCarefirst BCBS
PRPIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PRQWellmark BCBS
PRRAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PRSNo Prefix Assigned
PRUBCBS of Western New York
PRVBCBS of Alabama
PRWIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PRXBCBS of Alabama
PRYBCBS of Kansas City
PRZBCBS of Illinois
PSABCBS of Massachusetts
PSBBCBS of Texas
PSCBCBS of Illinois
PSDNo Prefix Assigned
PSEBlue-Shield of California
PSFNo Prefix Assigned
PSGNo Prefix Assigned
PSHAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
PSIBlue-Shield of California
PSJNo Prefix Assigned
PSKNo Prefix Assigned
PSLAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PSMIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PSNNo Prefix Assigned
PSOIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PSPBlue-Shield of California
PSQAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PSRNo Prefix Assigned
PSSWellmark BCBS
PSTBCBS of North Carolina
PSUPremera BCBS of Alaska
PSVAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PSWNo Prefix Assigned
PSXAnthem BCBS of Nevada
PSYAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
PSZBCBS of Louisiana
PTAAnthem Blue Cross
PTBBlue-Shield of California
PTCBlue-Shield of California
PTDBCBS of Kansas City
PTEBCBS of Texas
PTFNo Prefix Assigned
PTGAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PTHAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
PTIWellmark BCBS
PTJNo Prefix Assigned
PTKCapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PTLBCBS of Illinois
PTMCapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PTNBCBS of Illinois
PTOAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PTPCarefirst BCBS
PTQEmpire BCBS of New York
PTRArkansas BCBS
PTSAnthem BCBS of Kentucky
PTTBCBS of Tennessee
PTUAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PTVAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
PTWBCBS of Rhode Island
PTXBCBS of Montana
PTYAnthem BCBS of Indiana
PTZNo Prefix Assigned
PUABCBS of Michigan
PUBHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
PUCWellmark BCBS
PUDIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PUEBlue-Shield of California
PUFNo Prefix Assigned
PUGBCBS of Michigan
PUHHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
PUINo Prefix Assigned
PUJAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PUKBCBS of South Carolina
PULPremera BCBS of Alaska
PUMBCBS of South Carolina
PUNNo Prefix Assigned
PUOBCBS of Arizona
PUPFlorida Blue
PUQIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PURWellmark BCBS
PUSBCBS of Arizona
PUTBCBS of Michigan
PUUBCBS of Michigan
PUVBCBS of Michigan
PUWBCBS of Massachusetts
PUXPremera BCBS of Alaska
PUYWellmark BCBS
PUZNo Prefix Assigned
PVABCBS of Kansas City
PVBWellmark BCBS
PVCBCBS of Rhode Island
PVDBCBS of Illinois
PVENo Prefix Assigned
PVFBCBS of Tennessee
PVGAnthem Blue Cross
PVHBCBS of Alabama
PVINo Prefix Assigned
PVJAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PVKAnthem Blue Cross
PVLNo Prefix Assigned
PVMNo Prefix Assigned
PVNAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PVOCarefirst BCBS
PVPAnthem Blue Cross
PVQNo Prefix Assigned
PVRAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PVSNo Prefix Assigned
PVTAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PVUNo Prefix Assigned
PVVBCBS of South Carolina
PVWFlorida Blue
PVXBCBS of North Carolina
PVYBCBS of North Carolina
PVZNo Prefix Assigned
PWAFlorida Blue
PWBAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PWDBCBS of Illinois
PWEEmpire BCBS of New York
PWFAnthem Blue Cross
PWGAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PWHNo Prefix Assigned
PWINo Prefix Assigned
PWJBlue Cross North Carolina
PWKBCBS of Massachusetts
PWLAnthem BCBS of Colorado
PWMWellmark BCBS
PWNAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PWOBlue-Shield of California
PWPEmpire BCBS of New York
PWQNo Prefix Assigned
PWRNo Prefix Assigned
PWSAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PWTAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PWUWellmark BCBS
PWVBCBS of Illinois
PWWBCBS of Illinois
PWXBlue Cross of Idaho
PWYNo Prefix Assigned
PWZBCBS of Rhode Island
PXAAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PXBFlorida Blue
PXCNo Prefix Assigned
PXDBCBS of Arizona
PXEPremera BCBS of Alaska
PXFNo Prefix Assigned
PXGArkansas BCBS
PXHNo Prefix Assigned
PXIIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PXJFlorida Blue
PXKNo Prefix Assigned
PXLBCBS of Massachusetts
PXMNo Prefix Assigned
PXNFlorida Blue
PXOBCBS of Arizona
PXPAnthem BCBS of Kentucky
PXQAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
PXRAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PXSBCBS of Illinois
PXTNo Prefix Assigned
PXUBCBS of Michigan
PXVCapital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania
PXWBCBS of Michigan
PXXNo Prefix Assigned
PXYNo Prefix Assigned
PXZNo Prefix Assigned
PYABlue-Shield of California
PYBEmpire BCBS of New York
PYCNo Prefix Assigned
PYDNo Prefix Assigned
PYEBCBS of Illinois
PYFPremera BCBS of Alaska
PYGCarefirst BCBS
PYHBCBS of Texas
PYIIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PYJBCBS of Michigan
PYKAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
PYLBCBS of Western New York
PYMWellmark BCBS
PYNAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PYOBCBS of North Carolina
PYPAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PYQAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PYRNo Prefix Assigned
PYSAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PYTNo Prefix Assigned
PYUNo Prefix Assigned
PYVNo Prefix Assigned
PYWNo Prefix Assigned
PYXNo Prefix Assigned
PYYWellmark BCBS
PYZAnthem BCBS of Georgia
PZABCBS of Texas
PZBAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PZCNo Prefix Assigned
PZDBCBS of Illinois
PZENo Prefix Assigned
PZFBlue-Shield of California
PZGAnthem Blue Cross
PZHNo Prefix Assigned
PZIBCBS of South Carolina
PZJBCBS of Michigan
PZKNo Prefix Assigned
PZLNo Prefix Assigned
PZMAnthem Blue Cross
PZNAnthem BCBS of Ohio
PZOIndependence Blue Cross of Philadelphia/S.Pennsylvania
PZPNo Prefix Assigned
PZQFlorida Blue
PZREmpire BCBS of New York
PZSWellmark BCBS
PZTWellmark BCBS
PZUNo Prefix Assigned
PZVAnthem BCBS of Virginia
PZWWellmark BCBS
PZXNo Prefix Assigned
PZYBCBS of Western New York
PZZBCBS of Western New York
P3LPremera Blue Cross
P3MPremera Blue Cross
P3TPremera Blue Cross
P4TPremera Blue Cross
P6BPremera Blue Cross
P8MPremera Blue Cross
P9MPremera Blue Cross

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