Medical Billing Forum All About RCM Process Fri, 24 Jan 2025 04:12:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ANSI Reason Codes in Medical Billing (2025) Fri, 24 Jan 2025 04:05:00 +0000 Read more]]>

ANSI is short form of American National Standards Institute is an insurance subcommittee and CMS-Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services create some reason codes which define the reason when any healthcare claim denied. These reason codes known as ANSI codes and approved by CMS.

When claim is denied due to some reason, this ANSI reason codes define the exact reason of denial for universal explanation of denial reasons and provide uniform action on same type of denial. It will help insurance companies to handle denials swiftly and claims paid on priority.

ANSI Reason Codes and Description

ANSI Codes and Description
1 –Deductible amount.
2 –Coinsurance amount.
3 –Co-payment amount.
4–The procedure code is inconsistent with the modifier used, or modifier is missing.
5 –The procedure code/bill type is inconsistent with the place of service (POS).
6 –The procedure code is inconsistent with the patient’s age.
7 –The procedure code is inconsistent with the patient’s gender.
8 –The procedure code is inconsistent with the provider type/specialty (taxonomy).
9 –The diagnosis (Dx) is inconsistent with the patient’s age.
10 –The diagnosis (Dx) is inconsistent with the patient’s gender.
11 –The diagnosis (Dx) is inconsistent with the procedure.
12 –The diagnosis (Dx) is inconsistent with the provider type.
13 –The date of death (DOD) precedes the date of service.
14 –The date of birth (DOB) follows the date of service.
15 –Payment adjusted because the submitted authorization number is missing/ invalid or does not apply to the billed services or provider.
16 –Claim or service lacks information which is needed for adjudication.
17 –Payment adjusted because requested information was not provided or insufficient/incomplete.
18 –Duplicate Claim or service.
19 –Claim denied because this is a work-related injury or illness and thus the liability of the Worker’s Compensation Carrier.
20 –Claim denied because this injury or illness is covered by the liability carrier.
21 ==Claim denied because this injury or illness is the liability of the no-fault carrier.
22 –Payment adjusted because this care may be covered by another payer per coordination of benefits.
23 –Payment adjusted because charges have been paid by another payer.
24 –Payment for charges adjusted. Charges are covered under a capitation agreement/managed care plan.
25 –Payment denied. Your stop loss deductible has not been met.
26 –Expenses incurred prior to coverage.
27 –Expenses incurred after coverage terminated.
28 –Coverage not in effect at the time the service was provided.
29 –The time limit for filing has expired.
30 –Payment adjusted because the patient has not met the required eligibility, spend down, waiting, or residency requirements.
31 –Claim denied as patient cannot be identified as our insured.
32 –Our records indicate that this dependent is not an eligible dependent as defined.
33 –Claim denied. Insured has no dependent coverage.
34 –Claim denied. Insured has no coverage for newborns.
35 –Benefit maximum has been reached.
36 –Balance does not exceed co-payment amount.
37 –Balance does not exceed deductible.
38 –Services not provided or authorized by designated (network) providers.
39 –Services denied at the time authorization/pre-certification was requested.
40 –Charges do not meet qualifications for emergent/urgent care.
41 –Discount agreed to in Preferred Provider contract.
42 –Charges exceed our fee schedule or maximum allowable amount.
43 –Gramm-Rudman reduction.
44 –Prompt-pay discount.
45 –Charges exceed your contracted/legislated fee arrangement.
46 –This (these) service(s) is (are) not covered.
47 –This (these) diagnosis (Dx)(es) is (are) not covered, missing, or are invalid.
48 –This (these) procedure(s) is (are) not covered.
49 –These are non-covered services because this is a routine exam or screening procedure done in conjunction with a routine exam.
50 –These are non-covered services because this is not deemed a “medical necessity” by the payer.
51 –These are non-covered services because this is a pre-existing condition.
52 –The referring/prescribing provider is not eligible to refer/prescribe/order/perform the service billed.
53 –Services by an immediate relative or a member of the same household are not covered.
54 –Multiple physicians/assistants are not covered in this case.
55 –Claim or service denied because procedure/ treatment is deemed experimental/ investigational by the payer.
56 –Claim or service denied because procedure/ treatment has been deemed “proven to be effective” by the payer.
57 –Payment denied/reduced because the payer deems the information submitted does not support this level of service, this many services, this length of service, this dosage, or this day’s supply.
58 –Payment adjusted because treatment was deemed by the payer to have been rendered in an inappropriate or invalid place of service.
59 –Charges are reduced based on multiple surgery rules or concurrent anesthesia rules.
60 –Charges for outpatient services with this proximity to inpatient services are not covered.
61 –Charges adjusted as penalty for failure to obtain second surgical opinion.
62 –Payment denied/reduced for absence of, or exceeded, precertification/ authorization.
63 –Correction to a prior claim.
64 –Denial reversed per Medical Review.
65 –Procedure code was incorrect. This payment reflects the correct code.
66 –Blood deductible.
67 –Lifetime reserve days.
68 –DRG weight.
69 –Day outlier amount.
70 –Cost outlier. Adjustment to compensate for additional costs.
71 –Primary payer amount.
72 –Coinsurance day.
73 –Administrative days.
74 –Indirect Medical Education Adjustment.
75 –Direct Medical Education Adjustment.
76 –Disproportionate Share Adjustment.
77 –Covered days.
78 –Non-covered days/Room charge adjustment.
79 –Cost report days.
80 –Outlier days.
81 –Discharges.
82 –PIP days.
83 –Total visits.
84– Capital Adjustment.
85 –Interest amount.
86 –Statutory Adjustment.
87 –Transfer amount.
88 –Adjustment amount represents collection against receivable created in prior overpayment.
89 –Professional fees removed from charges.
90 –Ingredient cost adjustment.
91 –Dispensing fee adjustment.
92 –Claim paid in full.
93 –No claim level adjustments.
94 –Processed in excess of charges.
95 –Benefits adjusted. Plan procedures not followed.
96 –Non-covered charges.
97 –Payment is included in the allowance for another service/procedure.
98 –The hospital must file the Medicare claim for this inpatient non-physician service.
99 –Medicare Secondary Payer Adjustment amount.
100 –Payment made to patient/insured/responsible party.
101–Predetermination. Anticipated payment upon completion of services or claim adjudication.
102 –Major Medical Adjustment.
103 –Provider promotional discount (e.g., Senior citizen discount).
104 –Managed care withholding.
105 –Tax withholding.
106 –Patient payment option/election not in effect.
107 –Claim or service denied because the related or qualifying Claim or service was not paid or identified on the claim.
108 –Payment adjusted because rent/purchase guidelines were not met.
109 –Claim not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim to the correct payer/contractor.
110 –Billing date predates service date.
111 –Not covered unless the provider accepts assignment.
112 –Payment adjusted as not furnished directly to the patient and/or not documented.
113 –Payment denied because service/procedure was provided outside the United States or as a result of war.
114 –Procedure/product not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
115– Payment adjusted as procedure postponed or cancelled.
116 –Payment denied. The advance indemnification notice signed by the patient did not comply with requirements.
117 –Payment adjusted because transportation is only covered to the closest facility that can provide the necessary care.
118 –Charges reduced for ESRD network support.
119 –Benefit maximum for this time period has been reached.
120 –Patient is covered by a managed care plan.
121 –Indemnification adjustment.
122 –Psychiatric reduction.
123 –Payer refund due to overpayment.
124 –Payer refund amount – not our patient.
125 –Payment adjusted due to a submission/billing error(s). Additional information is supplied using the remittance advice remarks codes whenever appropriate.
126 –Deductible – Major Medical.
127 –Coinsurance – Major Medical.
128 –Newborn’s services are covered in the mother’s allowance.
129 –Payment denied. Prior processing information appears incorrect.
130 –Claim submission fee.
131 –Claim specific negotiated discount.
132 — Prearranged demonstration project adjustment.
133 –The disposition of this Claim or service is pending further review.
134 –Technical fees removed from charges.
135 –Claim denied. Interim bills cannot be processed.
136 –Claim adjusted. Plan procedures of a prior payer were not followed.
137 –Payment/Reduction for Regulatory Surcharges, Assessments, Allowances or Health Related Taxes.
138 –Claim or service denied. Appeal procedures not followed or time limits not met.
139 –Contracted funding agreement. Subscriber is employed by the provider of the services.
140 – -Patient/Insured health identification number and name do not match.
141 –Claim adjustment because the claim spans eligible and ineligible periods of coverage.
142 –Claim adjusted by the monthly Medicaid patient liability amount.
143 –Portion of payment deferred.
144 –Incentive adjustment, e.g., preferred product/service.
145 –Premium payment withholding.
146 –Payment denied because the diagnosis (Dx) was invalid for the date(s) of service reported.
147 –Provider contracted/negotiated rate expired or not on file.
148 –Claim or service rejected at this time because information from another provider was not provided or was insufficient/incomplete.
A0 –Patient refund amount.
A1 –Claim denied charges.
A2 – -Contractual adjustment.
A3 –Medicare Secondary Payer liability met.
A4 –Medicare Claim PPS Capital Day Outlier Amount.
A5 –Medicare Claim PPS Capital Cost Outlier Amount.
A6 –Prior hospitalization or 30 day transfer requirement not met.
A7 –Presumptive Payment Adjustment.
A8 –Claim denied; ungroupable DRG.
B1 –Non-covered visits.
B2 –Covered visits.
B3 –Covered charges.
B4 –Late filing penalty.
B5 –Payment adjusted because coverage/program guidelines were not met or were exceeded.
B6 –This payment is adjusted when performed/billed by this type of provider, by this type of provider in this type of facility, or by a provider of this specialty.
B7 –This provider was not certified/eligible to be paid for this procedure/service on this date of service.
B8 –Claim or service not covered/reduced because alternative services were available, and should not have been utilized.
B9 –Services not covered because the patient is enrolled in a Hospice.
B10 –Allowed amount has been reduced because a component of the basic procedure/test was paid. The beneficiary is not liable for more than the charge limit for the basic procedure/test.
B11 –The Claim or service has been transferred to the proper payer/processor for processing. Claim or service not covered by this payer/processor.
B12 –Services not documented in patient’s medical records.
B13– Previously paid. Payment for this Claim or service may have been provided in a previous payment.
B14 –Payment denied because only one visit or consultation per physician per day is covered.
B15 –Payment adjusted because this service/procedure is not paid separately.
B16 –Payment adjusted because “new patient” qualifications were not met.
B17 –Payment adjusted because this service was not prescribed by a physician, not prescribed prior to delivery, the prescription is incomplete, or the prescription is not current.
B18 –Payment denied because this procedure code/modifier was invalid on the date of service or claim submission.
B19 –Claim or service adjusted because of the finding of a Review Organization.
B20 –Payment adjusted because procedure/service was partially or fully furnished by another provider.
B21 –The charges were reduced because the service/care was partially furnished by another physician.
B22 –This payment is adjusted based on the diagnosis (Dx).
B23 –Payment denied because this provider has failed an aspect of a proficiency testing program.
D1– Claim or service denied. Level of subluxation is missing or inadequate.
D2 –Claim lacks the name, strength, or dosage of the drug furnished.
D3 –Claim or service denied because information to indicate if the patient owns the equipment that requires the part or supply was missing.
D4 –Claim or service does not indicate the period of time for which this will be needed.
D5 –Claim or service denied. Claim lacks individual lab codes included in the test.
D6 –Claim or service denied. Claim did not include patient’s medical record for the service.
D7 –Claim or service denied. Claim lacks date of patient’s most recent physician visit.
D8 –Claim or service denied. Claim lacks indicator that “x-ray is available for review”.
D9 –Claim or service denied. Claim lacks invoice or statement certifying the actual cost of the lens, less discounts or the type of intraocular lens used.
D10 –Claim or service denied. Completed physician financial relationship form not on file.
D11 –Claim lacks completed pacemaker registration form.
D12 –Claim or service denied. Claim does not identify who performed the purchased diagnostic test or the amount you were charged for the test.
D13 –Claim or service denied. Performed by a facility/supplier in which the ordering/referring physician has a financial interest.
D14 –Claim lacks indication that plan of treatment is on file.
D15 –Claim lacks indication that service was supervised or evaluated by a physician.
W1 –Workers Compensation State Fee Schedule Adjustment.

ANSI Codes are created by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and approved by CMS and also they updated these codes time to time. We tried to provide the latest information but if any discrepancy found please let us know via contact us page.

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RCM Process Terminology

Does Medical Coding Comes under RCM? Tue, 21 Jan 2025 06:57:59 +0000 Read more]]>

Yes, Medical Coding is comes under Revenue Cycle Management (RCM). Medical Billing and Medical Coding are two main part of RCM process.

What is RCM Process in US Healthcare?

Revenue cycle management (RCM) is process of managing the financial transactions that occur in a healthcare facility, from the initial patient registration to the final payment for services rendered. There are 8 steps in complete RCM process and it start when patient comes in facility, all steps are mentioned as below,

1. Collect Patient Demographics

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Pat. Address
  • Phone Number
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Social Security Number (SSN)

2. Verify Insurance Information

  • Insurance Provider
  • Insurance Policy Number
  • Group Number
  • Plan Type: (e.g., PPO, HMO, Medicaid, Medicare).
  • Coverage Details
  • Primary & Secondary Insurance information
  • Subscriber Information: If the patient is a dependent on someone else’s plan.

3. Confirm Insurance Eligibility

  • Verify Coverage
  • Check for Eligibility Issues: Verify if the patient’s insurance will cover the specific treatment or service.

4. Obtain Consent and Acknowledgment

  • Consent to Treat: The patient must agree to receive medical services.
  • Financial Responsibility: The patient agreed that they are responsible for any charges not covered by insurance (As, co-pays, deductibles, or non-covered services).
  • HIPAA Compliance: The patient acknowledges receipt of the healthcare provider’s Notice of Privacy Practices under HIPAA regulations.
  • Assignment of Benefits: The patient agrees to assign their insurance benefits directly to the healthcare provider.

5. Document Referral Information

  • Referring Physician information
  • Referral Authorization: If authorization required for treatment.

6. Financial Responsibility Acknowledgment

  • Co-pays and Deductibles: Confirm the patient’s co-pay amount and discuss any out-of-pocket expenses they might need to pay at the time of service.
  • Payment Plan Options: If applicable, offer or discuss payment plan options for any balances the patient may owe.

7. Enter Data into the System

  • All information is entered into the healthcare provider’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) /Practice Management System.

8. Issue Patient ID/Account Number

  • After completing registration, the patient is assigned an account number, which is used to track the patient’s visits, treatments, and billing information and records.

What is Medical Coding?

Medical Coding is a process in which all medical treatment, diagnosis, procedures and services converted into standard codes which are created and governed by AMA – American Medical Association and CMS- Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

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Medical Billing Terminology

Medical Billing or RCM process is a very specific healthcare process and if you wanted to work in this field, you need to learn the RCM process Terminology which are using in day to day practice.

Medical Billing Terminology is mentioned as below, 

Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN): An ABN is a written notice from Medicare, given to a patient before receiving specific services, ABN notifying that Medicare may deny payment for that specific procedure or treatment. You will be personally responsible for full payment if Medicare denies payment. 

Assignment of benefits (AOB): When an insurance company pays a provider directly for services

Allowed Amount: Allowed amount is the maximum amount paid by payer or insurance company on every claim. 

Appeal :  If a patient disagrees with a decision on claim about the health services of the insurance company, service or payment. You can file an appeal if the plan will not pay for, or does not allow or stops a service that the patient or provider believes should be covered or provided. 

Approved Amount: The approved amount is agreement between the provider and plan to cover a particular service. 

Assignment: When insurance pays share of the allowed charge directly to the physician or supplier.

Authorization: A patient’s request for permission to receive a service or treatment.

Adjudication: The process of deciding whether to accept, deny, or reject a claim.

Balance Bill: The difference between the allowed charge and the actual charge is known as Balance Bill. 

Beneficiary: Insurance holders  who are eligible to receive benefits through a health insurance program are known as beneficiaries. 

Benefits: The services or amount provided and covered under an insurance program policy. 

Capitation: It is a payment method for health care services in the USA. The physician, hospital, or other health care provider is paid based on the contracted rate for each member assigned, referred to as “Per Member Per Month (PMPM)” rate, regardless of the number or type of services provided. 

Carrier: In US Healthcare, the insurance called as carrier or payer.

 Cash Basis: The actual charge of the service when the service was performed to the patient. 

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): CMS is a federal or government agency that runs the Medicare and Medicaid program. CMS works to make sure that the people in these programs get high quality health care services at a reasonable cost. CMS is also  responsible for HIPAA administrative simplification transactions and codes.

Claim: A claim is a request for payment for services and benefits received by patient or insurer. 

CMS 1500 Form: The uniform professional claim form used to submit to insurance companies. 

Coinsurance: The co-insurance is payment based on a percentage of the costs of the medical services received, usually around 10 to 20 percent. Coinsurance is usually found in indemnity, fee-for-service and PPO plans, often along with deductibles. It is part of out of pocket expenses.

Confidentiality: The ability to speak with the provider or representative without disclosing the information to an uninterested party. 

Coordination of Benefits (COB): It is a process in which patients disclose the information of insurances he have and which one is primary and secondary for claim payment easily. COB information is also shared with insurance company also.

Copayment (co-pay): Co-pay is usually amount of $5 to $25, an HMO member pays the provider for services. This amount is not based on a percentage of the actual cost of services, but is predetermined. It ia also part of out of pocket expense.

Covered Services: A health service or item that is included in the plan and that is paid for partially or fully by insurance.

Covered Entity: As per  HIPAA,  a health plan, a health care clearinghouse, or a health care provider who transmits any health information in electronic form in connection with a HIPAA transaction. 

Deductible: The amount that a member must pay for medical services before health plan coverage begins. It is on yearly basis. Ex- Medicare Part B deductible for 2025 is $257 .

Demographic Data: Data that describe the characteristics of the patient or guarantor. Demographic data include but are not limited to age, sex, race/ethnicity, and primary language. 

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS): DHHS administers “social” programs at the Federal level dealing with the health and welfare of the citizens of the United States. 

Determination: A decision made to either pay in full, pay in part, or deny a claim. 

Diagnosis Code:  DX codes a standardized system used to code diseases and medical conditions data. Currently ICD-10 codes are using the latest updates.

Disclosure: Release or divulgence of information by an entity to persons or organizations outside of that entity. 

Dis-enroll: Ending health care coverage with a health plan.

Durable medical equipment (DME): Equipment like walkers, wheelchairs, and hospital beds. 

Effective Date: The date on which health plan coverage starts or begins. 

Explanation of Benefits (EOB):  EOB is a statement that is sent to the patient and or provider when a claim is filed. The EOB shows what the provider billed for, the plan’s approved amount, paid and denied amount. 

Evaluation and management (E/M) codes: Codes used to assess a patient.

Electronic claim: A claim sent electronically to the payer.

Electronic remittance advice (ERA): A form sent from a health plan to a healthcare provider about a claim.

Fee Schedule: A list of services and their charges known as fee schedule. 

Fee-for-Services: A method of paying the provider for services based on the fee schedule. 

Guarantor: The person responsible for payment of rendered services. This person is not necessarily the same as the subscriber. 

Health Care Provider: A person who is trained and licensed to give health care services or treatment.. 

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act created in 1996. 

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): A legal corporation that provides health care in return for pre-set monthly payments. For most HMOs, members must use the physicians, hospitals and other health care professionals in the HMO’s network in order to be covered for their care. There are several models of HMO, including the Staff Model, Group Model, IPA Model, Direct Contract Model and Mixed Model. 

Indemnity: This is a form of coverage offered by most traditional insurers.

Managed Care: An HMO, PPOs and some forms of indemnity insurance coverage that incorporate preadmission certification and other utilization controls.

Managed Care Organization (MCO): A health plan that provides coordinated health care through a network of primary care physicians and hospitals for pre-set monthly payments. 

Medicaid: A joint federal and state program to cover medical costs for qualifying low income individuals. Medicaid programs vary from state to state. 

Medicaid MCO: A Medicaid MCO provides comprehensive services to Medicaid beneficiaries. Maryland has seven (7) MCO’s, Amerigroup, Maryland Physicians Care, Priority Partners, Riverside Health, United Health Care Community Plan, MedStar, and Jai. 

Medically Necessary: Services or treatments are proper and needed for the diagnosis for treatment of your medical condition.

Medigap Policy: A Medicare supplement insurance policy sold by private insurance companies to fill “gaps” in Original Medicare Plan coverage. 

Member: An eligible employee who, through his or her place of employment, has enrolled in a health plan. 

Network: A group of health care providers and suppliers of other goods and services to provide service to patients called network. 

Non-covered Service: The service 

(a) does not meet the requirements of a benefit and 

(b) may not be considered reasonable and necessary. 

Non-participating Physician: A provider that is not contracted or accepts assignment with a particular plan is known as non par physician. 

Nurse Practitioner: A nurse who has advanced training and assists physicians by providing care to patients in their absence. 

Out of Network: Services received from a health care provider who does not belong to the member’s health plan’s network of selected and approved physicians and hospitals list is know as out of network provider or hospital.

 Out of Pocket Costs: Health care expenses that the patient is responsible which not fully or partially covered by their plan. 

Participating Physician or Supplier: A provider who agrees to accept assignment on the claims. These providers should only initially bill for the patient’s cost share amount. 

Payer: Insurance company. 

PCP – Primary Care Physician (PCP): A physician, who usually specializes in family practice, general practice, internal medicine or pediatrics.

PMS (Practice Management System): The software or system the provider uses for billing. 

Point of Service (POS): A health plan option that allows members to use either a network provider or a non-network provider at their discretion.

Place of Service (POS): The place where service rendered is denied as POS in medical billing. Ex- office, home, birthing place, etc

Preferred physicians and/or health care practitioners (providers): The term used to describe the physicians, health care practitioners and facilities included in an insurance plan network. 

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): A network of doctors and hospitals that provide health care services at a pre-negotiated lower price.

Premium: The predetermined monthly membership fee a subscriber or employer pays for health plan coverage.

Preventive Care: Care designated to keep the patient healthy or to prevent illness, such as colorectal cancer screening, yearly mammograms, and flu shots. 

Primary Care: A basic level of care usually given by doctors who work with general and family medicine.

Primary Payer: An insurance policy, plan, or program that pays first on a claim for medical care. 

Protected Health Information (PHI): Individually health information transmitted or maintained in any form or medium, which is held by a covered entity or its business associate. Relates to a past, present, or future physical or mental condition, provision of health care or payment for health care.  

Referral: The formal process that gives a health plan member authorization to receive care from a provider other than his or her primary care provider. 

Secondary Payer: An insurance policy that supplements the primary coverage and pays second on a claim for medical care.

 Self-Insurance: Practice of an individual, group of individuals, employer or organization that assumes complete responsibility for losses, which might be insured against, such as health care expenses. 

Self-Pay: A term to mean that the patient owes the medical bill. Statement: A bill that is sent to the patient for services/items provided. 

Subscriber: An eligible employee or eligible retiree who, through his or her place of employment, has enrolled in a health plan.

Statement: A bill that is sent to the patient for services/items provided.

Subscriber: An eligible employee or eligible retiree who, through his or her place of employment, has enrolled in a health plan.

Super-Bill (also referred to as; charge document, fee slip; routing slip; encounter form): An internal document created and used to capture medical charges. The superbill typically contains the most frequently used CPT and ICD codes, patient demographic and insurance information. 

Termination Date: The date that an agreement expires; or, the date that a subscriber and/or member ceases to be eligible.

 Third Party Administrator (TPA): An organization that administers health care benefits-including claims review, claims processing, etc.- usually for self-insured employers. 

Timely Filing: Period of time that the provider has to file a claim. This may vary by insurance carrier. Typically the filing period is 6 to 12 months. 

Transaction: The exchange of information between two parties to carry out financial or administrative activity.

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Ut eu ipsum venenatis, pretium massa id, scelerisque ex. Quisque tempor elit non dictum vestibulum. Nunc ut varius nulla, quis vehicula neque. Nunc sed consectetur nisl, eget consectetur lectus. Nullam nulla diam, eleifend et eros id, laoreet porta nisl. Curabitur urna ex, porttitor id dapibus eget, cursus ut ligula. Nunc euismod suscipit scelerisque. Praesent semper suscipit augue eu vestibulum. Vivamus maximus diam quis lobortis auctor.

Aliquam sit amet convallis nisi. Ut eleifend massa at orci mattis, sit amet venenatis risus varius. Praesent varius vel dui quis vehicula. Aenean eget bibendum est, sit amet ullamcorper ligula. Ut varius tempus enim, at ornare lorem blandit sed. In pellentesque mauris at dui venenatis tempus. Pellentesque a nibh in elit congue varius ac vitae nibh. Ut tempor metus in ligula mattis, nec faucibus leo consequat. Phasellus eu mi imperdiet, rhoncus sem eu, ultrices lacus. Proin ultrices lectus vel magna egestas, tempus faucibus dui facilisis. Morbi blandit eros eget est blandit, quis rhoncus ex tincidunt. In convallis diam dui, eu scelerisque justo condimentum quis. Nunc accumsan mauris in fringilla volutpat. Nullam mollis vel tellus eu aliquam.

Mauris sed ex quam. Nulla neque nisl, sagittis nec pulvinar eget, efficitur eu dui. Aenean pharetra nisi libero, at molestie quam ultricies vel. Integer mi felis, interdum eget tincidunt eget, bibendum quis augue. Aenean facilisis mauris mi, eget volutpat justo laoreet et. Nulla leo lectus, ultrices eget bibendum et, mattis a mi. Suspendisse commodo lobortis tellus, vitae hendrerit nulla hendrerit a. In dapibus est eget dui blandit aliquet. Mauris vitae nulla in mauris congue scelerisque nec ac libero. Quisque egestas ipsum neque, at rutrum dolor maximus vel. Nam sed hendrerit nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper euismod leo nec tempus.

Suspendisse eget lacus ac lorem vulputate fringilla. Maecenas consectetur est leo, nec scelerisque nulla dignissim quis. Maecenas ut nunc ac mi rhoncus mollis. Mauris sagittis rutrum mi a cursus. Ut sed velit non nunc pulvinar mollis sit amet at diam. Proin facilisis, nisl sit amet gravida egestas, lacus lectus commodo lacus, vel posuere lorem leo ut velit. Duis ultrices sollicitudin euismod.

Maecenas maximus at nulla a volutpat. Nullam commodo dapibus tortor, non suscipit magna interdum pellentesque. Pellentesque eget mi at sem elementum commodo. Nam tempus eleifend elementum. Donec aliquet eleifend est eget fermentum. Curabitur a volutpat sapien. Etiam eu mauris et nibh commodo ornare at quis velit. Praesent pretium nisi vehicula elementum posuere. Curabitur dapibus semper ipsum, dictum consectetur erat porttitor at. Sed mauris magna, consectetur eget massa ut, dignissim tincidunt nulla. Maecenas sed aliquam nibh. Nullam non mattis enim, maximus tristique ex. Quisque id est neque. Mauris dolor leo, tristique eu felis vitae, varius lacinia felis.

10 Questions You Should Always Ask Your Doctor Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:16:45 +0000 Read more]]>

Ut eu ipsum venenatis, pretium massa id, scelerisque ex. Quisque tempor elit non dictum vestibulum. Nunc ut varius nulla, quis vehicula neque. Nunc sed consectetur nisl, eget consectetur lectus. Nullam nulla diam, eleifend et eros id, laoreet porta nisl. Curabitur urna ex, porttitor id dapibus eget, cursus ut ligula. Nunc euismod suscipit scelerisque. Praesent semper suscipit augue eu vestibulum. Vivamus maximus diam quis lobortis auctor.

Aliquam sit amet convallis nisi. Ut eleifend massa at orci mattis, sit amet venenatis risus varius. Praesent varius vel dui quis vehicula. Aenean eget bibendum est, sit amet ullamcorper ligula. Ut varius tempus enim, at ornare lorem blandit sed. In pellentesque mauris at dui venenatis tempus. Pellentesque a nibh in elit congue varius ac vitae nibh. Ut tempor metus in ligula mattis, nec faucibus leo consequat. Phasellus eu mi imperdiet, rhoncus sem eu, ultrices lacus. Proin ultrices lectus vel magna egestas, tempus faucibus dui facilisis. Morbi blandit eros eget est blandit, quis rhoncus ex tincidunt. In convallis diam dui, eu scelerisque justo condimentum quis. Nunc accumsan mauris in fringilla volutpat. Nullam mollis vel tellus eu aliquam.

Mauris sed ex quam. Nulla neque nisl, sagittis nec pulvinar eget, efficitur eu dui. Aenean pharetra nisi libero, at molestie quam ultricies vel. Integer mi felis, interdum eget tincidunt eget, bibendum quis augue. Aenean facilisis mauris mi, eget volutpat justo laoreet et. Nulla leo lectus, ultrices eget bibendum et, mattis a mi. Suspendisse commodo lobortis tellus, vitae hendrerit nulla hendrerit a. In dapibus est eget dui blandit aliquet. Mauris vitae nulla in mauris congue scelerisque nec ac libero. Quisque egestas ipsum neque, at rutrum dolor maximus vel. Nam sed hendrerit nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper euismod leo nec tempus.

Suspendisse eget lacus ac lorem vulputate fringilla. Maecenas consectetur est leo, nec scelerisque nulla dignissim quis. Maecenas ut nunc ac mi rhoncus mollis. Mauris sagittis rutrum mi a cursus. Ut sed velit non nunc pulvinar mollis sit amet at diam. Proin facilisis, nisl sit amet gravida egestas, lacus lectus commodo lacus, vel posuere lorem leo ut velit. Duis ultrices sollicitudin euismod.

Maecenas maximus at nulla a volutpat. Nullam commodo dapibus tortor, non suscipit magna interdum pellentesque. Pellentesque eget mi at sem elementum commodo. Nam tempus eleifend elementum. Donec aliquet eleifend est eget fermentum. Curabitur a volutpat sapien. Etiam eu mauris et nibh commodo ornare at quis velit. Praesent pretium nisi vehicula elementum posuere. Curabitur dapibus semper ipsum, dictum consectetur erat porttitor at. Sed mauris magna, consectetur eget massa ut, dignissim tincidunt nulla. Maecenas sed aliquam nibh. Nullam non mattis enim, maximus tristique ex. Quisque id est neque. Mauris dolor leo, tristique eu felis vitae, varius lacinia felis.

A Guide to Choosing Your Healthcare Provider Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:16:27 +0000 Read more]]>

Ut eu ipsum venenatis, pretium massa id, scelerisque ex. Quisque tempor elit non dictum vestibulum. Nunc ut varius nulla, quis vehicula neque. Nunc sed consectetur nisl, eget consectetur lectus. Nullam nulla diam, eleifend et eros id, laoreet porta nisl. Curabitur urna ex, porttitor id dapibus eget, cursus ut ligula. Nunc euismod suscipit scelerisque. Praesent semper suscipit augue eu vestibulum. Vivamus maximus diam quis lobortis auctor.

Aliquam sit amet convallis nisi. Ut eleifend massa at orci mattis, sit amet venenatis risus varius. Praesent varius vel dui quis vehicula. Aenean eget bibendum est, sit amet ullamcorper ligula. Ut varius tempus enim, at ornare lorem blandit sed. In pellentesque mauris at dui venenatis tempus. Pellentesque a nibh in elit congue varius ac vitae nibh. Ut tempor metus in ligula mattis, nec faucibus leo consequat. Phasellus eu mi imperdiet, rhoncus sem eu, ultrices lacus. Proin ultrices lectus vel magna egestas, tempus faucibus dui facilisis. Morbi blandit eros eget est blandit, quis rhoncus ex tincidunt. In convallis diam dui, eu scelerisque justo condimentum quis. Nunc accumsan mauris in fringilla volutpat. Nullam mollis vel tellus eu aliquam.

Mauris sed ex quam. Nulla neque nisl, sagittis nec pulvinar eget, efficitur eu dui. Aenean pharetra nisi libero, at molestie quam ultricies vel. Integer mi felis, interdum eget tincidunt eget, bibendum quis augue. Aenean facilisis mauris mi, eget volutpat justo laoreet et. Nulla leo lectus, ultrices eget bibendum et, mattis a mi. Suspendisse commodo lobortis tellus, vitae hendrerit nulla hendrerit a. In dapibus est eget dui blandit aliquet. Mauris vitae nulla in mauris congue scelerisque nec ac libero. Quisque egestas ipsum neque, at rutrum dolor maximus vel. Nam sed hendrerit nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper euismod leo nec tempus.

Suspendisse eget lacus ac lorem vulputate fringilla. Maecenas consectetur est leo, nec scelerisque nulla dignissim quis. Maecenas ut nunc ac mi rhoncus mollis. Mauris sagittis rutrum mi a cursus. Ut sed velit non nunc pulvinar mollis sit amet at diam. Proin facilisis, nisl sit amet gravida egestas, lacus lectus commodo lacus, vel posuere lorem leo ut velit. Duis ultrices sollicitudin euismod.

Maecenas maximus at nulla a volutpat. Nullam commodo dapibus tortor, non suscipit magna interdum pellentesque. Pellentesque eget mi at sem elementum commodo. Nam tempus eleifend elementum. Donec aliquet eleifend est eget fermentum. Curabitur a volutpat sapien. Etiam eu mauris et nibh commodo ornare at quis velit. Praesent pretium nisi vehicula elementum posuere. Curabitur dapibus semper ipsum, dictum consectetur erat porttitor at. Sed mauris magna, consectetur eget massa ut, dignissim tincidunt nulla. Maecenas sed aliquam nibh. Nullam non mattis enim, maximus tristique ex. Quisque id est neque. Mauris dolor leo, tristique eu felis vitae, varius lacinia felis.

Medical Blogs That Will Keep You Informed Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:15:52 +0000 Read more]]>

Ut eu ipsum venenatis, pretium massa id, scelerisque ex. Quisque tempor elit non dictum vestibulum. Nunc ut varius nulla, quis vehicula neque. Nunc sed consectetur nisl, eget consectetur lectus. Nullam nulla diam, eleifend et eros id, laoreet porta nisl. Curabitur urna ex, porttitor id dapibus eget, cursus ut ligula. Nunc euismod suscipit scelerisque. Praesent semper suscipit augue eu vestibulum. Vivamus maximus diam quis lobortis auctor.

Aliquam sit amet convallis nisi. Ut eleifend massa at orci mattis, sit amet venenatis risus varius. Praesent varius vel dui quis vehicula. Aenean eget bibendum est, sit amet ullamcorper ligula. Ut varius tempus enim, at ornare lorem blandit sed. In pellentesque mauris at dui venenatis tempus. Pellentesque a nibh in elit congue varius ac vitae nibh. Ut tempor metus in ligula mattis, nec faucibus leo consequat. Phasellus eu mi imperdiet, rhoncus sem eu, ultrices lacus. Proin ultrices lectus vel magna egestas, tempus faucibus dui facilisis. Morbi blandit eros eget est blandit, quis rhoncus ex tincidunt. In convallis diam dui, eu scelerisque justo condimentum quis. Nunc accumsan mauris in fringilla volutpat. Nullam mollis vel tellus eu aliquam.

Mauris sed ex quam. Nulla neque nisl, sagittis nec pulvinar eget, efficitur eu dui. Aenean pharetra nisi libero, at molestie quam ultricies vel. Integer mi felis, interdum eget tincidunt eget, bibendum quis augue. Aenean facilisis mauris mi, eget volutpat justo laoreet et. Nulla leo lectus, ultrices eget bibendum et, mattis a mi. Suspendisse commodo lobortis tellus, vitae hendrerit nulla hendrerit a. In dapibus est eget dui blandit aliquet. Mauris vitae nulla in mauris congue scelerisque nec ac libero. Quisque egestas ipsum neque, at rutrum dolor maximus vel. Nam sed hendrerit nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper euismod leo nec tempus.

Suspendisse eget lacus ac lorem vulputate fringilla. Maecenas consectetur est leo, nec scelerisque nulla dignissim quis. Maecenas ut nunc ac mi rhoncus mollis. Mauris sagittis rutrum mi a cursus. Ut sed velit non nunc pulvinar mollis sit amet at diam. Proin facilisis, nisl sit amet gravida egestas, lacus lectus commodo lacus, vel posuere lorem leo ut velit. Duis ultrices sollicitudin euismod.

Maecenas maximus at nulla a volutpat. Nullam commodo dapibus tortor, non suscipit magna interdum pellentesque. Pellentesque eget mi at sem elementum commodo. Nam tempus eleifend elementum. Donec aliquet eleifend est eget fermentum. Curabitur a volutpat sapien. Etiam eu mauris et nibh commodo ornare at quis velit. Praesent pretium nisi vehicula elementum posuere. Curabitur dapibus semper ipsum, dictum consectetur erat porttitor at. Sed mauris magna, consectetur eget massa ut, dignissim tincidunt nulla. Maecenas sed aliquam nibh. Nullam non mattis enim, maximus tristique ex. Quisque id est neque. Mauris dolor leo, tristique eu felis vitae, varius lacinia felis.

The right way to take a cough medicine Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:15:04 +0000 Read more]]>

Ut eu ipsum venenatis, pretium massa id, scelerisque ex. Quisque tempor elit non dictum vestibulum. Nunc ut varius nulla, quis vehicula neque. Nunc sed consectetur nisl, eget consectetur lectus. Nullam nulla diam, eleifend et eros id, laoreet porta nisl. Curabitur urna ex, porttitor id dapibus eget, cursus ut ligula. Nunc euismod suscipit scelerisque. Praesent semper suscipit augue eu vestibulum. Vivamus maximus diam quis lobortis auctor.

Aliquam sit amet convallis nisi. Ut eleifend massa at orci mattis, sit amet venenatis risus varius. Praesent varius vel dui quis vehicula. Aenean eget bibendum est, sit amet ullamcorper ligula. Ut varius tempus enim, at ornare lorem blandit sed. In pellentesque mauris at dui venenatis tempus. Pellentesque a nibh in elit congue varius ac vitae nibh. Ut tempor metus in ligula mattis, nec faucibus leo consequat. Phasellus eu mi imperdiet, rhoncus sem eu, ultrices lacus. Proin ultrices lectus vel magna egestas, tempus faucibus dui facilisis. Morbi blandit eros eget est blandit, quis rhoncus ex tincidunt. In convallis diam dui, eu scelerisque justo condimentum quis. Nunc accumsan mauris in fringilla volutpat. Nullam mollis vel tellus eu aliquam.

Mauris sed ex quam. Nulla neque nisl, sagittis nec pulvinar eget, efficitur eu dui. Aenean pharetra nisi libero, at molestie quam ultricies vel. Integer mi felis, interdum eget tincidunt eget, bibendum quis augue. Aenean facilisis mauris mi, eget volutpat justo laoreet et. Nulla leo lectus, ultrices eget bibendum et, mattis a mi. Suspendisse commodo lobortis tellus, vitae hendrerit nulla hendrerit a. In dapibus est eget dui blandit aliquet. Mauris vitae nulla in mauris congue scelerisque nec ac libero. Quisque egestas ipsum neque, at rutrum dolor maximus vel. Nam sed hendrerit nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper euismod leo nec tempus.

Suspendisse eget lacus ac lorem vulputate fringilla. Maecenas consectetur est leo, nec scelerisque nulla dignissim quis. Maecenas ut nunc ac mi rhoncus mollis. Mauris sagittis rutrum mi a cursus. Ut sed velit non nunc pulvinar mollis sit amet at diam. Proin facilisis, nisl sit amet gravida egestas, lacus lectus commodo lacus, vel posuere lorem leo ut velit. Duis ultrices sollicitudin euismod.

Maecenas maximus at nulla a volutpat. Nullam commodo dapibus tortor, non suscipit magna interdum pellentesque. Pellentesque eget mi at sem elementum commodo. Nam tempus eleifend elementum. Donec aliquet eleifend est eget fermentum. Curabitur a volutpat sapien. Etiam eu mauris et nibh commodo ornare at quis velit. Praesent pretium nisi vehicula elementum posuere. Curabitur dapibus semper ipsum, dictum consectetur erat porttitor at. Sed mauris magna, consectetur eget massa ut, dignissim tincidunt nulla. Maecenas sed aliquam nibh. Nullam non mattis enim, maximus tristique ex. Quisque id est neque. Mauris dolor leo, tristique eu felis vitae, varius lacinia felis.

What to Know About the Meningitis Outbreak at Princeton Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:14:33 +0000 Read more]]>

Ut eu ipsum venenatis, pretium massa id, scelerisque ex. Quisque tempor elit non dictum vestibulum. Nunc ut varius nulla, quis vehicula neque. Nunc sed consectetur nisl, eget consectetur lectus. Nullam nulla diam, eleifend et eros id, laoreet porta nisl. Curabitur urna ex, porttitor id dapibus eget, cursus ut ligula. Nunc euismod suscipit scelerisque. Praesent semper suscipit augue eu vestibulum. Vivamus maximus diam quis lobortis auctor.

Aliquam sit amet convallis nisi. Ut eleifend massa at orci mattis, sit amet venenatis risus varius. Praesent varius vel dui quis vehicula. Aenean eget bibendum est, sit amet ullamcorper ligula. Ut varius tempus enim, at ornare lorem blandit sed. In pellentesque mauris at dui venenatis tempus. Pellentesque a nibh in elit congue varius ac vitae nibh. Ut tempor metus in ligula mattis, nec faucibus leo consequat. Phasellus eu mi imperdiet, rhoncus sem eu, ultrices lacus. Proin ultrices lectus vel magna egestas, tempus faucibus dui facilisis. Morbi blandit eros eget est blandit, quis rhoncus ex tincidunt. In convallis diam dui, eu scelerisque justo condimentum quis. Nunc accumsan mauris in fringilla volutpat. Nullam mollis vel tellus eu aliquam.

Mauris sed ex quam. Nulla neque nisl, sagittis nec pulvinar eget, efficitur eu dui. Aenean pharetra nisi libero, at molestie quam ultricies vel. Integer mi felis, interdum eget tincidunt eget, bibendum quis augue. Aenean facilisis mauris mi, eget volutpat justo laoreet et. Nulla leo lectus, ultrices eget bibendum et, mattis a mi. Suspendisse commodo lobortis tellus, vitae hendrerit nulla hendrerit a. In dapibus est eget dui blandit aliquet. Mauris vitae nulla in mauris congue scelerisque nec ac libero. Quisque egestas ipsum neque, at rutrum dolor maximus vel. Nam sed hendrerit nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper euismod leo nec tempus.

Suspendisse eget lacus ac lorem vulputate fringilla. Maecenas consectetur est leo, nec scelerisque nulla dignissim quis. Maecenas ut nunc ac mi rhoncus mollis. Mauris sagittis rutrum mi a cursus. Ut sed velit non nunc pulvinar mollis sit amet at diam. Proin facilisis, nisl sit amet gravida egestas, lacus lectus commodo lacus, vel posuere lorem leo ut velit. Duis ultrices sollicitudin euismod.

Maecenas maximus at nulla a volutpat. Nullam commodo dapibus tortor, non suscipit magna interdum pellentesque. Pellentesque eget mi at sem elementum commodo. Nam tempus eleifend elementum. Donec aliquet eleifend est eget fermentum. Curabitur a volutpat sapien. Etiam eu mauris et nibh commodo ornare at quis velit. Praesent pretium nisi vehicula elementum posuere. Curabitur dapibus semper ipsum, dictum consectetur erat porttitor at. Sed mauris magna, consectetur eget massa ut, dignissim tincidunt nulla. Maecenas sed aliquam nibh. Nullam non mattis enim, maximus tristique ex. Quisque id est neque. Mauris dolor leo, tristique eu felis vitae, varius lacinia felis.

5 ways to prevent a cold Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:14:05 +0000 Read more]]>

Ut eu ipsum venenatis, pretium massa id, scelerisque ex. Quisque tempor elit non dictum vestibulum. Nunc ut varius nulla, quis vehicula neque. Nunc sed consectetur nisl, eget consectetur lectus. Nullam nulla diam, eleifend et eros id, laoreet porta nisl. Curabitur urna ex, porttitor id dapibus eget, cursus ut ligula. Nunc euismod suscipit scelerisque. Praesent semper suscipit augue eu vestibulum. Vivamus maximus diam quis lobortis auctor.

Aliquam sit amet convallis nisi. Ut eleifend massa at orci mattis, sit amet venenatis risus varius. Praesent varius vel dui quis vehicula. Aenean eget bibendum est, sit amet ullamcorper ligula. Ut varius tempus enim, at ornare lorem blandit sed. In pellentesque mauris at dui venenatis tempus. Pellentesque a nibh in elit congue varius ac vitae nibh. Ut tempor metus in ligula mattis, nec faucibus leo consequat. Phasellus eu mi imperdiet, rhoncus sem eu, ultrices lacus. Proin ultrices lectus vel magna egestas, tempus faucibus dui facilisis. Morbi blandit eros eget est blandit, quis rhoncus ex tincidunt. In convallis diam dui, eu scelerisque justo condimentum quis. Nunc accumsan mauris in fringilla volutpat. Nullam mollis vel tellus eu aliquam.

Mauris sed ex quam. Nulla neque nisl, sagittis nec pulvinar eget, efficitur eu dui. Aenean pharetra nisi libero, at molestie quam ultricies vel. Integer mi felis, interdum eget tincidunt eget, bibendum quis augue. Aenean facilisis mauris mi, eget volutpat justo laoreet et. Nulla leo lectus, ultrices eget bibendum et, mattis a mi. Suspendisse commodo lobortis tellus, vitae hendrerit nulla hendrerit a. In dapibus est eget dui blandit aliquet. Mauris vitae nulla in mauris congue scelerisque nec ac libero. Quisque egestas ipsum neque, at rutrum dolor maximus vel. Nam sed hendrerit nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper euismod leo nec tempus.

Suspendisse eget lacus ac lorem vulputate fringilla. Maecenas consectetur est leo, nec scelerisque nulla dignissim quis. Maecenas ut nunc ac mi rhoncus mollis. Mauris sagittis rutrum mi a cursus. Ut sed velit non nunc pulvinar mollis sit amet at diam. Proin facilisis, nisl sit amet gravida egestas, lacus lectus commodo lacus, vel posuere lorem leo ut velit. Duis ultrices sollicitudin euismod.

Maecenas maximus at nulla a volutpat. Nullam commodo dapibus tortor, non suscipit magna interdum pellentesque. Pellentesque eget mi at sem elementum commodo. Nam tempus eleifend elementum. Donec aliquet eleifend est eget fermentum. Curabitur a volutpat sapien. Etiam eu mauris et nibh commodo ornare at quis velit. Praesent pretium nisi vehicula elementum posuere. Curabitur dapibus semper ipsum, dictum consectetur erat porttitor at. Sed mauris magna, consectetur eget massa ut, dignissim tincidunt nulla. Maecenas sed aliquam nibh. Nullam non mattis enim, maximus tristique ex. Quisque id est neque. Mauris dolor leo, tristique eu felis vitae, varius lacinia felis.
